Friday, November 11, 2016

World Building to World Crashing

I've been busy world-building this week. It's going ok, but I find myself struggling with my plot (and I had so many great ideas too). But the past week or so I have been a little distracted. My sister has been under the weather for a few weeks. Colds and general malaise. Then sores on her body that turned out to be a staph infection. Then her blood counts were all much too low.
We knew that it was probably something scary. We were just hoping it wasn't the big scary C word.
Unfortunately it is.
Today my mom called me at work to tell me that my sister had been given an initial diagnosis of leukemia. She's already down in Columbus at the James Cancer Hospital at Ohio State University. It's one of the best places to seek cancer treatment, so she's in good hands.
It's crazy how fast it all happened. Yesterday I was world building. At 12:30 p.m. my own world felt like it was crumbling. By 5:30 my sister was situated in completely different world in the cancer hospital. Her room has a great view of the campus and the horseshoe (go Bucks). I will go down and see her tomorrow, but it's all a little surreal still.
I want to continue NaNo as an outlet for my stress, fears and anxiety, but it may be hard to reach my 50,000 words now.

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