Friday, November 18, 2016

NaNo On Hold

I don't think I have many readers. That's ok. This is a good place for me to get my feelings and thoughts out anyway. We are 12 days away from the end of NaNo and the likelihood of me "winning" is pretty slim. I am at just under 18,000 words. I haven't written more than 800 words in the past week because my sister was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She spent the past week at The James Cancer Hospital in Columbus, which is about a two hour drive from her home (about the same for me too). They think they caught it early. She's home for the next 12 days to take a clinical trial pill and then back to The James for four weeks (maybe three if everything goes well) for chemotherapy. Then home to rest and try to stay healthy. If she goes into remission after one round of chemo, she needs a bone marrow transplant in March or April. This is the only way to cure her cancer right now. She has an abnormality or a mutation on her 11th chromosome, which is why she qualifies for the clinical trial. They have seen great success with the trial in the past year, but since they don't have 5-7 year outlooks yet (it's too new of a drug) they have to do the chemo and transplant too.
She's being really tough. She's hanging in there. We are all trying to as well. She will be home for Thanksgiving but not Christmas, which will be unbelievably hard.
So I may have time to write just to take my mind off things, but right now my free time is spent decompressing, working on fundraising efforts, helping my parents with the dogs or whatever else they need as they care for her, support her or take her to the doctor...and of course, just spending time with my sister and the rest of the family. I will take another NaNo challenge some other time, but right now it just has to fall by the wayside.  

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