Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Strange October and the Start of NaNo

So I haven't updated you in a while. That's because on top of being a Harry Potter nerd and a NaNoWriMo nut, I'm also an avid Cleveland Indians fan. I've been pretty confident all season that they would make the playoffs. They did.
They've also won big.
So I spent all of October watching them win. First against Kansas City to clinch homefield in the divisional seasons. Then I watched them sweep Boston. Then I watched them take down Toronto in five games. Now the post season is bleeding into October. I wanted the Indians to win it on Sunday in Chicago. They've won everything else on the road, why not the World Series. Plus Sunday was October 30th, meaning it would give me one last day of prep for NaNo if I was done watching baseball. Nope. Then last night the Indians lost game 6. Which means I got behind on day one of NaNoWriMo. So today while my nephew kind of sort of napped (read: he didn't want to nap) I caught up on my writing. I managed to get 3,669 words down in Scrivener so I am on track to finish the 50,000 on time.
As you know I am also following the Master Plan over at Better Novel Project. That fine site also released some NaNo tips so I'm working on them as well. Today I tackled chapter one, which was supposed to include introducing and describing the hero and introducing the villain. I also introduced the wise one and the herald and I wasn't supposed to do either of those things until chapter 2. I also messed up some of the other elements and have about 300 words with strikethrough already. So rewrites will happen without even really getting started (next month of course).
Overall it was a strange start to a November.
And that's without mentioning the 77 degree weather!
The good news is, tonight is the last night of baseball (I said good news, I meant it's tragic, even if my Tribe wins the trophy). So that means the rest of November is mine to tackle!

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