Sunday, September 4, 2016

That Time I Read Harry Potter to My Newphew

My blog domain should give you some indication about how much I love Harry Potter. I couldn't tell you the number of times I've read the series. I listen to several Harry Potter/wizarding world based podcasts. I write fan fiction. If my husband and I got married all over again I would want to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter on our honeymoon.

I don't have any children (yet) with whom to share my love of Harry Potter. But I have the next best thing. Other people's children. More specifically I have my husband's nephew Ethan. He is six months he just doesn't know yet how much he loves Harry Potter. But he does guys. I know he does.

Case in point. When he was about two weeks old and was finally home from his extended stay at the hospital, I went over to my sister-in-law's house to give her a bit of a break one night. I stayed up throughout the night feeding, changing and cuddling little Ethan. We listened to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on audible and he calmed down and went to sleep. He also enjoys watching Harry Potter and Doctor Who on TV with me, so the evidence is there.

One thing I have most been looking forward to with little ones of my own is reading the stories out loud to them w hen they are young. Ethan recently became very interested in books with pictures. The new illustrated edition of Harry Potter is the perfect thing for this. While he sat next to me on the couch I read him the first three pages of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. He loved the beautiful images and found my voices quite silly. It took about 10 minutes and then he was done with it, but guys...I got to read Hary Potter to a baby.

And I loved it!

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